Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Operation R.O.S.I.E.

Dun dun da da dun dun da da dun dun DO DO DOOOOOO! (I hope you're singing right now)

We went into stealth mode as we traveled from the top of Tower 1 all the way to the 4th floor of Tower 3 in hopes of....stealing R.O.S.I.E. When we found her she was overlooking the production floor. 

Now, like all of you back home, I had no idea what any of this meant. It looked like a lemonade stand to me. I wasn't too far off actually. This is Mang Kenny's Store. Kenny is one of the Intake Supervisors and is part of the UES Project Team. "Mang" or "Manong" is used to show respect for older guys. "Tindahan" means store like a mini grocery store.

Don't we look stealthy?

Rosie, teaching the class. She couldn't stay for very long as a supervisor was introducing her to the other class. Oh well, we'll find her again another day. Magic was very disappointed that she didn't get to pose with her for a picture.

...Just another day in the work place. =)


  1. LOL - how fun, cousin ROSIE in the Philippines - maybe I'll get to visit her one day!
    Don't work too hard cous,
    American ROSIE

  2. How pretty you look ROSIE! Love the stealth mode. LOL

  3. Stealthy Selfie? Hey! There appears to be more than 1 Rosie :-( I always thought there was just one? Next you'll be tellin' me there's no Santa Claus :-(
