Sunday, July 6, 2014

An American in Manila

To continue my history lesson this weekend (my best friend would be sooo proud of me) we took a trip to the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial. Now, don't quote me on this because it's from Wikipedia and said best friend would NOT approve of me doing research on here =) BUT, the cemetery has 17,206 graves which means it has the largest number of graves of any cemetery for US personnel killed in World War II. It is a staggering 152 acres and it's awe inspiring to stand in the center of the giant circles.

I genuinely wanted to experience this memorial, but I went with a mission for a good family friend who's uncle dedicated his life in the war. I was able to not only locate the grave, but also take pictures that the members of his family never could have gotten for themselves. I won't share those pictures as they aren't mine to share, but it was an honor to represent his family.

The Chapel

Each of these walls lists the fallen soldiers, their job, when they were killed and where they were from.

I have to say, this is a beautiful place to be laid to rest.

3,744 of the tombs are unknown soldiers.

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